
Whew! Take a deep breath...what a month.

September was amazing. I did a ton of shows. For one festival I did 10 shows in three days. It is exhausting but oh so much fun.

I was just at Jonesborough (if you don't know about Jonesborough it is the mothership for all storytellers). It was like being a professional bubble blower and standing in the middle of a bubblegum factory and someone saying - you cannot touch the gum. Just look at it. Ahhhh!!

I enjoyed my time there and all the tellers were great but the desire to be on the stage...any stage was overwhelming and exasperating. I came home and looked at my calendar and saw that my next gig is not for two weeks. TWO WEEKS!!! That is a lifetime when you have an itch to scratch.

So...I will make some calls and go somewhere and tell. Dinner tables, campfires, parking lots. The world is a stage.

Upcoming news:
Berry Hill Plantation (private show) and Smithfield Plantation are the next gigs on the map. Not my regular type of shows but it is good to be stretched.

After performing at the Colonial Williamsburg Storytelling Festival, I was invited back to Williamsburg as the featured teller for Tellebration. An honor. I will be performing in South Boston on November 16th and heading to Colonial Williamsburg on the 17th.

Hope you can come.


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