New CD!!

Finally!! The day is approaching for the new CD release!

It has been a long process, but worth every minute of it. Be on the lookout for information on how to get a copy.

Other than that, it has been go, go, go. It feels like I have been on the road non-stop and it is just beginning. That wonderful busy time of the year is here. Next week I am off to the TimpFest in Orem, Utah. I am honored and very excited to be a part of this event. Things are moving so fast, that I am finding it hard to keep up at times. Several years ago when I decided to do telling on a professional level, I would have never dreamed that so many wonderful opportunities would open up.

On the horizon: A book entitled, "You Have My Heart" is being worked on. This book tackles the issue of interracial adoption and interracial families. For children ages 0 - 4 and beyond. Of course it is dedicated to my beautiful grandson who is a glorious mix of Cherokee, African American, German, Scott Irish!!

A new CD project is underway entitled, "Stories on Skin". I am uber excited about this one. More information to follow. I am keeping it under my hat a bit. Letting it simmer.

A tour with Andy Offut Irwin and Bil Lepp is coming up next spring. During the months of Feb - April we are booking the "Uncalled for Tour" anywhere they will have us.

So, things are going very well. My car has been giving me a bit of trouble - but considering I put almost 37,000 miles on it last year, I guess I can't get upset at it. If you have a dependable car that you would like to donate to a traveling artist...give me a call!! Thankfully I will be flying a lot this fall.

Thanks for stopping in, your support and care mean a lot. I appreciate those of you who faithfully stay in touch with encouraging words.


1 comment:

Cynthia said...

I hope the "Uncalled For" tour is fabulous and the boys don't drive you nuts. However it's "Offutt" rather than "Offut". Cheers.